My name is Lily Kiara. I was born in the Netherlands. I have always worked together with people from many different countries and cultures and I am most at ease in Dutch and English. This website is available in these two languages.

I have experienced many different somatic treatments in my work as a dancer to support me in my health and development. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy has always touched me deeply and helped me the most. I love the subtleties i become aware of while at the same time the change after a session is often powerful. I’ve learned to trust my body more, other than needing to understand everything that I feel, which allows much more ease in changes taking place in my body and life. At the heart of Craniosacral Therapy and my dance i find the dynamics between movement and stillness. In their refinement they are closely interwoven.

I enjoy working with people from many different walks of life and corners of this world. From my own experience i feel a natural connection with dance artists and musicians. I love offering support where possible in these fields. In every client I see the courage and the desire to feel at ease, to grow and be vital, to connect with themselves and her/his/their environment. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, respectful way to enhance this connection in our daily lives, whoever we are and wherever we find ourselves in the process of our own being.

I love listening. it is one of the only
spaces where you can be still and
moved at the same time.

nayyirah waheed